Exploring learning possibilities from a school library point of view
Category: <span>#IMMOOC 2017</span>

Students holding up the mirrors for assessment

This is the fourth in a series of posts relating to John Spencer and A. J. Juliani’s book Empower, which I am reading as part of #IMMOOC 4 and also #sau25bookchat. Each week I will be targeting suggested blog prompts and reflecting on how the ideas presented in #empowerbook resonate …

Listening in to the Cool Kids Table with #IMMOOC Week 3

I’ve been really enjoying #IMMOOC. I’ve been enjoying the opportunity but I haven’t been taking the opportunity. I’ve been enjoying the conversations with educators from so many different places. Enjoying the conversations but not conversing. I’ve realized I’ve been sitting next to the cool kids table listening to everything that …

#IMMOOC Week 2 New+Better=Innovation

Reading part one of Innovator’s Mindset forced me to realize a few things. One was that I sometimes complain about things I could fix if I just find a different angle of approach. One light bulb moment occurred for me when reading about educators frustrated that they can’t share their …

Waiting For Amazing

“Change is an opportunity to do something amazing” – Innovator’s Mindset, George Couros. No pressure. Just be Amazing. While reading the opening pages of The Innovator’s Mindset I immediately found myself full of questions about my teaching practice. Questions that led to ideas to try in my library program. Mostly …