Exploring learning possibilities from a school library point of view
Category: <span>Google Education Tools</span>

Primary Students Following A Path To Inquiry

Can primary grade students set their own direction for research? Can they develop their own topics? Build guiding questions? If good questions lead to more questions, than this is a terrific starting point because it has led me down a lengthy rabbit hole. One of the skills we work on …

Communication For The Win

Today I had the chance to present our Google+community to my full staff. I’d shared the information via email and our daily bulletin but it was important to me to speak face to face with staff to explain my “Why?” I felt compelled to get everything said that I needed …

#IMMOOC Week 2 New+Better=Innovation

Reading part one of Innovator’s Mindset forced me to realize a few things. One was that I sometimes complain about things I could fix if I just find a different angle of approach. One light bulb moment occurred for me when reading about educators frustrated that they can’t share their …