Exploring learning possibilities from a school library point of view
Tag: <span>#IMMOOC</span>

Challenging my own assumptions

This is the third in a series of posts relating to Katie Martin’s book Learner Centered Innovation which I am reading as a part of #IMMOOC 4 Each week I will be targeting suggested blog prompts and reflecting on how the ideas in #LCInnovation resonate with my teaching experiences. I …

Every Day is “Yes Day” in the Library

This is the second in a series of posts relating to Katie Martin’s book Learner Centered Innovation which I am reading as a part of #IMMOOC 4  Each week I will be targeting suggested blog prompts and reflecting on how the ideas in #LCInnovation resonate with my teaching experiences. “Yes Day” Have you heard …

Can read alouds include more student empowerment?

This will be the first of a series of posts relating to Katie Martin’s new book Learner Centered Innovation which I am reading as a part of #IMMOOC 4  Each week I will be targeting suggested blog prompts and reflecting on how the ideas in #LCInnovation resonate with my teaching experiences. …

Sorry Melville, it’s not you it’s me.

We were different people when we started out. We had different needs, different goals. Over the years I’ve grown and changed and while you tried to keep up, you just aren’t meeting my needs anymore. So thank you for all the memories but my dear Mr. Melville Dewey, I think …

Mining Mentors

Some of the best learning advice I received recently was from author Kate Messner who spoke at my state library association conference last spring. She advised us to take advantage of social media as a way to acquire mentors. Amazing revelations:  You don’t have to know someone or get a …