Exploring learning possibilities from a school library point of view
Category: <span>Reflection</span>

Getting to know my students through research

I have often wanted to do more research projects with my students but I have felt restricted by my schedule. I have always worked within a fixed schedule of library classes where I see each class once a week. I’ve worked with teachers to provide some research skill components to …

Encouraging investment by encouraging choice in student work

Today I was on Day 2 of the Create Library Displays activity with second graders. This was the second class to work on this project and again it seemed the value of personal choice was far from their minds. Both classes who have worked on this project suggested letting everyone …

Students holding up the mirrors for assessment

This is the fourth in a series of posts relating to John Spencer and A. J. Juliani’s book Empower, which I am reading as part of #IMMOOC 4 and also #sau25bookchat. Each week I will be targeting suggested blog prompts and reflecting on how the ideas presented in #empowerbook resonate …

Challenging my own assumptions

This is the third in a series of posts relating to Katie Martin’s book Learner Centered Innovation which I am reading as a part of #IMMOOC 4 Each week I will be targeting suggested blog prompts and reflecting on how the ideas in #LCInnovation resonate with my teaching experiences. I …

A Mindset for Failing Vs Failure

This is the third in a series of posts relating to John Spencer and A. J. Juliani’s book Empower, which I am reading as part of #IMMOOC 4 and also #sau25bookchat. Each week I will be targeting suggested blog prompts and reflecting on how the ideas presented in #empowerbook resonate …

Are we offering choice time, or choice learning?

This is the second in a series of posts relating to John Spencer and A. J. Juliani’s book Empower, which I am reading as part of #IMMOOC 4 and also #sau25bookchat. Each week I will be targeting suggested blog prompts and reflecting on how the ideas presented in #empowerbook resonate …

Can read alouds include more student empowerment?

This will be the first of a series of posts relating to Katie Martin’s new book Learner Centered Innovation which I am reading as a part of #IMMOOC 4  Each week I will be targeting suggested blog prompts and reflecting on how the ideas in #LCInnovation resonate with my teaching experiences. …

Why More Teachers Need to Become Presenters

This summer I had an opportunity to present at two conferences. I’ve presented in school and in district before but this would be the first time I presented to a wider ranging, less familiar, audience. I should have been doing this years ago and so should many other teachers I …

Making Technology the Second Coolest Thing in the Room

I often talk about how I love introducing new paths to information in my school library. Any time I can demonstrate that libraries are dynamic environments that flow and change along with the world of information, I pull out my soap box. This year I was able to make my …

Primary Students Following A Path To Inquiry

Can primary grade students set their own direction for research? Can they develop their own topics? Build guiding questions? If good questions lead to more questions, than this is a terrific starting point because it has led me down a lengthy rabbit hole. One of the skills we work on …